2011-05-25 @ 14:12:00 So the first thing I hear when I came to school this morning was my friend Alice, who comes running up to me and looks extremely distressed and before I can even ask her what's wrong she grabs a hold of my shoulder and starts rambling things that I didn't quite understand. So I ask her to calm and take it from the start, and it turns out that she had broken the Harry Potter DVD I had borrowed her. And before I know it she shoves money in my hand so I can buy a new one.
I felt really sad for her, because she thought that I would be angry at her.
Poor girl…
I knew it was an accident, Alice takes really good care of other peoples stuff.
But it was actually a good thing because for some reason that DVD didn't work in Sweden, so Liza and I took the bus to Oxford and there's a "swedish shop" that has swedish candy, magazines and even swedish movies ^^
So I bought 4 new movies :D

Oh Britannia
2011-05-22 @ 17:35:28 So I landed about a half hour ago and I've been sitting on the train for what feels like forever…
But now I'm sitting in my apartment, that appear to be very dusty…I'll have to clean tomorrow, and I haven't unpacked the clothes I brought with me but luckily I still have some clean clothes from before ;D
So tomorrow I'm going back to school, it's going to be fun seeing everyone again but I won't get to meet Shawn and Liam before noon :/ or any boy for that matter -.-
Curse girl-schools ;D (not all the time though ^^)
Well one thing for sure, I won't go back to Sweden for at least two weeks.
It was a fun week but I have to get together with everyone before I go back.
I'll write more tomorrow, I'm too tried now -.-
See ya <3

Packed and ready
2011-05-21 @ 18:05:23 So I've packed the suitcase and everything is put in it's order ^^
Now I'll see if I can get any sleep tonight, and then I will fly out in the morning. I can't wait ^^
It's a bit weird considering that I'm practically saying that can't wait to go back to school but I don't know I kinda miss it ;)
I only hope that the weather won't suck -.- I hate flying when it rains, then again I don't really like airplanes either xP
I don't really have much to write right now and I will update as soon as land ^^
See ya
I don't think I have a headline :S
2011-05-18 @ 19:29:44 But who cares? ^^
So I just got back from the cinema, from watching the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. And well I liked it…that's pretty much it xP I don't really know what to say about it.
And right now I'm just sitting here watching the Simpsons, and tomorrow I have to be up at 7am -.- not fun…
But that is something I have to do in order to get to the theater by 9am and then I have about 4-5 hour of training choreograph.
I will be sooo tired >.<
And I have to pack before sunday…(not that it's much) and then I will be on a flight to London and I will meet all my wonderful british (and irish if you want to be technical, Liam!) friends :D
Then Liza and I will make a little travel to Oxford street and do some shopping!
2011-05-14 @ 17:45:09 I'm so mad that I don't even know what to say. Some little idiot girl on djur.nu has the nerve to say that I'm lying about going to the City of London School for Girls and that I can speak english (even when she hardly even could write a correct sentence).
I won't say who she is, I'm not that cruel, but I just can't see her going to that school since it's a very expensive school and not a public school. I can't say for sure if she goes there or not but I just can't see it :/
I just feel so offended when someone says something like that, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Anyway I won't let it bother me, I blocked her and that's the end of that, you guys know that I'm not lying and I sure as hell know it and that's good enough for me ^^
On another note, I have no idea what to watch tonight! There's no good movies and I won't sit and watch the Eurovision song contest, I have no interest in that. I'll probably watch a movie of some sort…now the new problem is which movie…
Movie time!
2011-05-12 @ 22:05:22 So I just got ticket for the premiere of the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
Oh joyous moment ;P
I can hardly wait until Wednesday, but I don't know if it will be as good as the previous movies. I highly doubt it though, since it's another director who has his own style of making movies so I won't go in there and expect it to like the other movies.
On another note: I found out that Freak (a friend on djur.nu) have a thing for Irish guys, especially those who can play an instrument (I'm just messing with ya Freak, don't be mad ;D).
So that means; Liam, you and Shawn are coming to Sweden!
And bring your instruments xD
And bring your instruments xD

Happy Birthday!
2011-05-10 @ 20:10:50 Who just made 2500kr in one day without lifting a finger?
That's right: me! ;D
Who doesn't love to get money for their birthday?
So what did I get more?
Well in my family it is a tradition for the children to get a watch for their 17th birthday and a ring (for the girls, I can remember what the boys get) on their 18th birthday. And since I got a watch last year: guess how old I am ;)
And the ring is beautiful!
It's white gold with small diamonds and a big emerald. And I couldn't love it more than I already do! :D
And I plan to get some more stuff, but I'm smart so I'm going to wait until we go to L.A, you can get pretty much
anything to a small sum ;3
And on a less happier note, I got a little surprise gift from my doctors…medication for life -.-
Like I've said before, I have high blood pressure and now I've started to take medicine for it but it's a chronic disease, which means you will never get better and I will have to take the medicine for the rest of my life or I might get heart failure (but all of this I already knew)
Here is my birthday present! :D

That's right: me! ;D
Who doesn't love to get money for their birthday?
So what did I get more?
Well in my family it is a tradition for the children to get a watch for their 17th birthday and a ring (for the girls, I can remember what the boys get) on their 18th birthday. And since I got a watch last year: guess how old I am ;)
And the ring is beautiful!
It's white gold with small diamonds and a big emerald. And I couldn't love it more than I already do! :D
And I plan to get some more stuff, but I'm smart so I'm going to wait until we go to L.A, you can get pretty much
anything to a small sum ;3
And on a less happier note, I got a little surprise gift from my doctors…medication for life -.-
Like I've said before, I have high blood pressure and now I've started to take medicine for it but it's a chronic disease, which means you will never get better and I will have to take the medicine for the rest of my life or I might get heart failure (but all of this I already knew)
Here is my birthday present! :D

Oh joyous day…
2011-05-09 @ 10:27:00 So I was at the doctors this morning to make sure that my blood pressure is working the way it suppose to. But now I have a sphygmomanometer, as it's called with a fancy word, or a blood pressure meter for 24h.
And lets just say that it hurts like hell D:
But everything has an upside, and this time that upside is no school!
Not for today and not for tomorrow which fits me perfectly considering that it's my birthday tomorrow! :D
But this doesn't mean that I can sit around being lazy since I have to do some work out in the garden and then around two o'clock I have to go to my therapy session, not that I'm complaining…
But for at least an hour more I will just sit here and do absolutely nothing.
So tired…
2011-05-08 @ 17:41:39 I seriously need to lie down…
I just got home from the rehearsing and I don't think it's possible to be more tired than I am right now, and the worst part is that on Wednesday (I'm grateful that I have a doctors appointment on Monday and Tuesday so I can rehearse) and then I have to try on all the costumes. But of course it would be wrong to complain since it's my choice ;)
As soon as I've tried on the costumes I will take photos and post them here so you can get a first hand look ;D