2011-05-14 @ 17:45:09Postat av: Liza
omg she did not! D:<
How immature, don't worry sweetie I believe you ;D
miss ya! <3
Postat av: Elina99 on
That was not really kind to you... =( I hope she will stop to lying... (I can't so good english^^) Well, can you talk english, only? o.O
2011-05-14 @ 20:12:43URL:
sv: vad roligt ^^
2011-05-14 @ 20:55:46URL:
Postat av: Mr. Awesome
Ha! I beat you this time Liam! >:D
And come on Lil, you shouldn't listen to what that girl has to say…I mean come on we all know how expensive it is to go to the City of London School (for Girls). It isn't like anyone can go there -.-
Postat av: Liam
aw come on Shawn…can't you give me the name?
And I agree with Liza, that's so immature! And come on Lily even if she went to the school she is probably one of the annoying prats who think they are something xD
You could so take her in a fight if it would gets ugly ;D
Postat av: Hanna
Kolla gärna min blogg :)
2011-05-14 @ 22:28:48URL:
Postat av: Hanna
Haha visst ;)
Tack :)
Bara nyfiken , varför har du en blogg på engelska? :)
Postat av: Anonym
Aha då förstår jag men så du flyttar imellan london & sverige?
2011-05-14 @ 23:00:58