Who just made 2500kr in one day without lifting a finger?
That's right: me! ;D
Who doesn't love to get money for their birthday?
So what did I get more?
Well in my family it is a tradition for the children to get a watch for their 17th birthday and a ring (for the girls, I can remember what the boys get) on their 18th birthday. And since I got a watch last year: guess how old I am ;)
And the ring is beautiful!
It's white gold with small diamonds and a big emerald. And I couldn't love it more than I already do! :D
And I plan to get some more stuff, but I'm smart so I'm going to wait until we go to L.A, you can get pretty much
anything to a small sum ;3
And on a less happier note, I got a little surprise gift from my doctors…medication for life -.-
Like I've said before, I have high blood pressure and now I've started to take medicine for it but it's a chronic disease, which means you will never get better and I will have to take the medicine for the rest of my life or I might get heart failure (but all of this I already knew)
Here is my birthday present! :D
Happy Birthday!
2011-05-10 @ 20:10:50Kommentarer
Postat av: josefine
fin blogg (y)
och att du bloggar på engelska :3.
URL: http://frossies.blogg.se/
Postat av: Carre
Vilken underbar ring! älskar den
2011-05-11 @ 20:15:12Postat av: mcdt
aw vad fin ! gudvad coolt med traditioner xD
2011-05-13 @ 11:41:39URL: http://mcdt.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym
Hej har du en bra dag?:)
Nu kan du ta chansen att vinna veckans bloggintervju, där jag ställer frågor om dig och publcerar detta på bloggen; http://lavitadilovisa.blogg.se/2011/may/veckans-bloggintervju.html#comment
Du kan även ta chans att vinna en valfri vara ex; badmode,jackor,skor,plånböcker,wctjackor och mkt mer från märken som ed hardy, converse, dior,mm,
anmäl dig här: http://lavitadilovisa.blogg.se/2011/may/vinn-valfri-vara.html#comment
URL: http://lavitadilovisa.blogg.se/