Oh Britannia

2011-05-22 @ 17:35:28
So I landed about a half hour ago and I've been sitting on the train for what feels like forever…
But now I'm sitting in my apartment, that appear to be very dusty…I'll have to clean tomorrow, and I haven't unpacked the clothes I brought with me but luckily I still have some clean clothes from before ;D
So tomorrow I'm going back to school, it's going to be fun seeing everyone again but I won't get to meet Shawn and Liam before noon :/ or any boy for that matter -.-
Curse girl-schools ;D (not all the time though ^^)
Well one thing for sure, I won't go back to Sweden for at least two weeks.
It was a fun week but I have to get together with everyone before I go back.
I'll write more tomorrow, I'm too tried now -.-
See ya <3


Postat av: Liza

You owe me a trip to Oxford!

Why did you have to miss the bus? xP

2011-05-24 @ 20:00:20

Postat av: Lil

Liza; I didn't do on purpose -.-

We'll go in tomorrow, I promise that, and we'll get Liam and Shawn to carry our bags ;D

2011-05-24 @ 20:18:00

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