I don't think I have a headline :S

2011-05-18 @ 19:29:44
But who cares? ^^
So I just got back from the cinema, from watching the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. And well I liked it…that's pretty much it xP I don't really know what to say about it.
And right now I'm just sitting here watching the Simpsons, and tomorrow I have to be up at 7am -.- not fun…
But that is something I have to do in order to get to the theater by 9am and then I have about 4-5 hour of training choreograph.
I will be sooo tired >.<
And I have to pack before sunday…(not that it's much) and then I will be on a flight to London and I will meet all my wonderful british (and irish if you want to be technical, Liam!) friends :D
Then Liza and I will make a little travel to Oxford street and do some shopping!


Postat av: Liza

Hell yeah!

We are gonna shop til we drop xD

Oh! I think I just understood why you say that I'm obsessed with shopping ^^

2011-05-19 @ 12:50:40

Postat av: Mr. Awesome

I saw it today ^^

I loved it :) I't wasn't as good as the first but like you said it's a new director.

And hey, me and Liam will be coming with you, maybe we can catch a movie ;D

The Irish rules!

2011-05-21 @ 17:51:57

Postat av: Liam

ofc I'm gonna technical ;D

And I'll come with to Oxford but I will NOT hold your bags again -.-

2011-05-21 @ 17:57:15

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